About Us

Certified Psychedelic Therapist

Jennie Marie Battistin, LMFT

As a certified psychedelic medicine psychotherapist, I have been working in the field of mental health for almost two decades and in medical offices for almost four decades.

I am passionate about helping others heal and improve their mental health. Psychedelics have been shown to have a range of potential benefits, from treating depression and anxiety to enhancing creativity and personal growth. I have witnessed firsthand the potential of these plant medicine to promote positive change, healing, and transformation. Psychedelic experiences can be intense and emotionally challenging, and it's important to have a safe and supportive environment as well as a trained psychotherapist to help you integrate your experience.

I graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor’s in Psychology and a minor in Pre-Med from Woodbury University and I graduated Suma Cum Laude with a Master’s in Clinical Psychology from Pepperdine University. I am certified in Psychedelic Medicine Psychotherapy from Integrative Psychiatric Institute after completing a 1-year fellowship and certification examination.

Psychedelic Medicine Teacher IXCA

Maestra IXCA (indigenous holistic medicine practitioner)

Born in Monterrey, Mexico my Indigenous Mexican & Central American lineage is ribboned with ancient and modern-day philosophies of natural medicine. My traditional Mexican heritage has allowed me to integrate a legacy of proven alternative healing modalities.

I have spent extensive hours training in Chile, Peru, Mexico, and the United States combining traditional schooling, with a focus on a holistic approach to plant medicine, found in the beautiful cultures of Central and South America. Having completed the University of Utah pre-law program has allowed me to work with legislators in crafting bills to support professional licensing agendas for public safety and quality control for psychedelic plant medicine. I trained with Maestro Qinty in Peru, which was a great honor and has enlightened my knowledge in plant medicine.

My dual licensing in Utah and California has brought me to work in both traditional and alternative holistic institutes. While working at the prestigious Cohn Health Institute, under the direction of Dr. Howard Cohn, I began my educational journey in psychedelic plant medicine. As a double certified Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner (QHHT), I can provide a path to healing and successfully address complex and challenging, emotional and mental, debilitating symptoms

Changa Ayahuasca Psychedelic Medicine

We only use pure, clean, and authentic (not synthetic) Amazonian and Central America plant medicine, Amazonian Rainforest animal medicine, and authentic clean animal medicine from Sonora, Mexico. Our primary focus is to create sacred therapeutic spaces for safely introducing plant and animal medicines.

In all ways, we honor the requirements to serve the medicines that we have been given by indigenous tribes.

We specialize in effectively addressing recovering the mind and soul from mental health challenges, addictions, trauma, toxic behaviors, lost creativity, uneasiness, and religious/spiritual crisis.

While we do our absolute best to support and ensure your comfort, safety, and well-being, we are not WESTERN medicine doctors. We are experienced, educated, professional, holistic integrative lifestyle and wellness practitioners and therapists. You take full responsibility for preparing for these retreats. To date, our retreats have had zero fatalities and zero injuries. This is because we require your own commitment to preparing properly with an intake session and preparatory session.

Ayahuasca Psychedelic Medicine

Maestro Qinty (Peruvian medicine shaman)

Shaman Qinty, of Peruvian nationality, was born in the city of Tarapoto, province, and region of San Martín. In 2003 he began on his path of natural medicine. Within 15 years, he gained experience and confidence to serve participants in each session of taking Ayahuasca. The reason for starting the journey was through an intuitive gift of healing that he perceived and together with his first teacher, he began the long journey in his method of preparing healing plants. He worked with his Maestro for seven years with different ayahuasquero masters, purgueros masters, perfumers masters and aquatic masters. His preparation required many specialized holistic cleansing diets and purges, which strengthen his body, mind, and soul to participants in their healing journeys. In each session, Shaman Qinty transmits peace and freedom from mental and emotional pain. Through his select Amazonian icaros (ceremonial songs), he provides harmony for the soul and humility for the heart. In 2017, he began his independent path as a plant teacher (having taught Maestra IXCA), managing to travel abroad, and taking his medicine prepared by himself. The trust and guidance that he possesses are unique, and today his goal is to reach all the people who need healing from mental and emotional suffering. There are no borders when it comes to healing.

Interviews with Psychedelic Medicine Maestra IXCA and Maestro Qinty

Maestra IXCA interviews Maestro Qinty About Ayahuasca

Maestro Qinty discusses in Spanish process of preparing and serving Ayahuasca

”During the entire experience, I felt completely safe. I broke down mental barriers I never even knew existed. I processed childhood trauma. I broke myself down and built myself back up. This took some serious work and demanded a safe space. I am finally myself again (the version I’ve always wanted to grow into).”

~24-year-old paramedic, Jan 29, 2023